They are all True Type fonts for Windows.
すべてウィンドウズ用True Typeフォントです。
Standard fonts in Microsoft Windows XP for Japanese.
A: Microsoft Minchō 'Ming (Dynasty) typeface'
B: Microsoft Gothic
マイクロソフト Windows XP 標準フォント
A: MS 明朝
B: MS ゴシック
(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Y.OzFont Pen-Ji -- It seems to have written this with a water ballpoint.
C:"04 meiryo compatible" version
D:"04 meiryo compatible" version [Bold]
Y.OzFont ペン字版
C: メイリオ互換04版
D: メイリオ互換04版 Bold
Y.OzFont Mōhitsu -- It seems to have written this with the brush.
E: Kaisho -- Square style
F: Gyōsho -- Semi-cursive style
Y.OzFont 毛筆版
E: 毛筆楷書04版
F: 毛筆行書97版
Copyright (C) Y.OzVox
Calligraphic fonts written by professional calligrapher, Mr. AOYAGI Kōzan.
G: Aoyagi Kōzan Font Gyōsyo (Semi-cursive)
H: Aoyagi Kōzan Font Sōsyo (Cursive)
G: 青柳衡山フォント行書
H: 青柳衡山フォント草書2
Here's sample. [Shift-JIS]
Copyright (C) Musashi System All rights reserved.
Lovely Fonts written by Ms. SHINO.
I: S2G Moon Font (Narrow)
L: S2G Naguri (Scribble)
M: S2G Tsuki Font (Wide)
N: S2G Love (Designed)
I: S2G月フォント
L: S2G殴り書き
M: S2Gつきフォント
N: S2Gらぶ
copyright (c) STUDIO twoG [SHINO]
Relaxed font written by Ms. Rufu SUZUKI.
J: ほにゃ字
Copyright (c) RUFU SUZUKI
Cute font written by Ms. Aqua.
K: Aqua Font
K: あくあフォント
copyright (c) Aquablue
Sample fonts by Hakusyu [Hakushū] Fonts, the Japanese font production company.
O: Hakusyu Gokubuto Kaisho Kyō Kan (Square)
Q: Hakusyu Gyōsho Kyō Kan (Semi-cursive)
R: Hakusyu Sōsho Kyō Kan (Cursive)
S: Hakusyu Reisho Kyō Kan (Old Square)
O: 白舟極太楷書教漢
Q: 白舟行書教漢
R: 白舟草書教漢
S: 白舟隷書教漢
Copyright (C) Hakusyu Fonts co,.Ltd
Sample fonts by Shūzandō, the seal impression shop.
P: Rakuin Gyōsho (Semi-cursive)
T: Rakuin Tensho (Old Square, older than Reisho)
ウェブはんこやショップ 印鑑の秀山堂による無料フォント
P: 楽院行書
T: 楽院篆書
Copyright (c) 印鑑の秀山堂
last update 2009/04/19
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