
[Shift-JIS] 94AA
[UTF-8] E585AB → Google search → Wiktionary

[画数] kaku-sū ”カク・スウ” Stroke

[部首] bu-shu ”ブ・シュ” Radical
 [八] hachi; hachi-gashira ”ハチ; ハチ・がしら”

[六書] riku-sho ”リク・ショ” Six principles → Chinese character classification
 [指事] shi-ji ”シ・ジ” Simple ideogram
 [仮借] ka-sha ”カ・シャ” Phonetic loan [rebus]

[音読み] on-yo-mi ”オン・よ・み” Chinese-style reading
 hachi ”ハチ
 hatsu ”ハツ”
 hat- ”ハッ”
  ex:[八回] hakkai ”ハッカイ” eight times
 -pachi ”パチ”
  ex:[二八] nippachi ”ニッパチ” February and August

[訓読み] kun-yo-mi ”クン・よ・み” Japanese reading
 ya ”
 [八つ] ya-tsu ”や・つ
 [八つ] yattsu ”やっつ

[人名読み] jin-mei-yo-mi ”ジン・メイ・よ・み” Reading for person's name
 kazu ”かず”
 wa ”わ”
 wakatsu ”わかつ”

[熟字訓; 難読] juku-ji-kun; nan-doku ”ジュク・ジ・クン; ナン・ドク” Special reading
 [八百] yao ”やお” eight hundred; many
 [八百長] yaochō ”やおちょう” put-up job; fixed game [race]
 [八百屋] yaoya ”やおや” vegetable store; greengrocery
 [八百万] ya-o-yorozu ”や・お・よろず” great many
 [八岐大蛇] ya-mata+no-orochi ”や・また-の・おろち”
  mythical eight-headed serpent =[八俣遠呂智]
 [八尺瓊の勾玉] ya-saka-ni-no-maga-tama ”や・さか・に・の・まが・たま”
  one of Three Sacred Treasures
 [八洲] ya-shima ”や・しま”
  one of ancient name for Japan =[八島] =[大八洲] ō-ya-shima ”おお・や・しま”
 [八十] ya-so; ya-so-ji ”や・そ; や・そ・じ” eighty; in eighties
 [八咫の鏡] ya-ta-no-kagami ”や・た・の・かがみ” one of Three Sacred Treasures
 [八日] yō-ka ”よう・か” eighth day of month; eight days

[意味] i-mi ”イ・ミ” Meaning
 eight; eighth
 eight times

[異体字] i-tai-ji ”イ・タイ・ジ” Alternative character form
  (used sometimes in bond, money claim and so on, same as 壱, 弐, 参.)

Anime picture book of ”ヤマタノオロチ.” → What's ヤマタノオロチ ?
 「八岐大蛇 (ヤマタノオロチ)」のアニメ絵本です。

Japanese mythology are interesting, too.


last update 2009/04/13

[Shift-JIS] 8EB5
[UTF-8] E4B883 → Google search → Wiktionary

[画数] kaku-sū ”カク・スウ” Stroke

[部首] bu-shu ”ブ・シュ” Radical
 [一] ichi ”イチ”

[六書] riku-sho ”リク・ショ” Six principles → Chinese character classification
 [指事] shi-ji ”シ・ジ” Simple ideogram
 [仮借] ka-sha ”カ・シャ” Phonetic loan [rebus]

[音読み] on-yo-mi ”オン・よ・み” Chinese-style reading
 shichi ”シチ
 shitsu ”シツ”

[訓読み] kun-yo-mi ”クン・よ・み” Japanese reading
 nana ”なな
 nano ”なの
 [七つ] nana-tsu ”なな・つ

[人名読み] jin-mei-yo-mi ”ジン・メイ・よ・み” Reading for person's name
 kazu ”かず”
 na ”な”

[熟字訓; 難読] juku-ji-kun; nan-doku ”ジュク・ジ・クン; ナン・ドク” Special reading
 [七種] nana-kusa ”なな・くさ”
  seven kinds; seven spring herbs; seven fall flowers =[七草]
 [七日] nano-ka ”なの・か” seventh day of month; seven days
 [七五三飾{り}] shime-kazari ”しめ・かざり”
  sacred Shinto rope with festoons =[注連飾{り}]
 [七五三縄] shime-nawa ”しめ・なわ” sacred shrine rope =[注連縄]
 [七夕] tanabata ”たなばた” seventh night of July; Star Festival

[意味] i-mi ”イ・ミ” Meaning
 seven; seventh
 seven times; many times

[異体字] i-tai-ji ”イ・タイ・ジ” Alternative character form
  (used sometimes in bond, money claim and so on, same as 壱, 弐, 参.)
  (not orthodox but more general [simplified] form than 漆)

Soundtrack of "SAMURAI 7." → What's SAMURAI 7 ?
 「SAMURAI 7」のサウンドトラックです。

Sounds of Japanese instruments are very beautiful.


last update 2009/04/19

[Shift-JIS] 985A
[UTF-8] E585AD → Google search → Wiktionary

[画数] kaku-sū ”カク・スウ” Stroke

[部首] bu-shu ”ブ・シュ” Radical
 [八] hachi; hachi-gashira ”ハチ; ハチ・がしら”

[六書] riku-sho ”リク・ショ” Six principles → Chinese character classification
 [象形] shō-kei ”ショウ・ケイ” Pictogram
 [仮借] ka-sha ”カ・シャ” Phonetic loan [rebus]

[音読み] on-yo-mi ”オン・よ・み” Chinese-style reading
 riku ”リク”
 roku ”ロク
 rot- ”ロッ”
  ex:[六回] rokkai ”ロッカイ” six times

[訓読み] kun-yo-mi ”クン・よ・み” Japanese reading
 mu ”
 mui ”むい
 [六つ] mu-tsu ”む・つ
 [六つ] muttsu ”むっつ

[人名読み] jin-mei-yo-mi ”ジン・メイ・よ・み” Reading for person's name
 same as above

[熟字訓; 難読] juku-ji-kun; nan-doku ”ジュク・ジ・クン; ナン・ドク” Special reading
 [六月] minazuki ”みなづき” June =[水無月]
 [六日] mui-ka ”むい・か” sixth day of month; six days
 [六十] mu-so; mu-so-ji ”む・そ; む・そ・じ” sixty; in sixties

[意味] i-mi ”イ・ミ” Meaning
 six; sixth
 six times

[異体字] i-tai-ji ”イ・タイ・ジ” Alternative character form
  (used sometimes in bond, money claim and so on, same as 壱, 弐, 参.)

[六等星スピカ] Roku-tō-sei Supika ”ロク・トウ・セイ スピカ”
Sixth-magnitude star Spica

This Manga is old a little, but is very beautiful.


last update 2009/04/14