
[Shift-JIS] 93F1
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[画数] kaku-sū ”カク・スウ” Stroke

[部首] bu-shu ”ブ・シュ” Radical
 [二] ni ”ニ”

[六書] riku-sho ”リク・ショ” Six principles → Chinese character classification
 [指事] shi-ji ”シ・ジ” Simple ideogram

[音読み] on-yo-mi ”オン・よ・み” Chinese-style reading
 ji ”
 ni ”

[訓読み] kun-yo-mi ”クン・よ・み” Japanese reading
 futa ”ふた
 [二つ] futa-tsu ”ふた・つ

[人名読み] jin-mei-yo-mi ”ジン・メイ・よ・み” Reading for person's name
 fu ”ふ”
 kazu ”かず”
 sa ”さ”
 tsugi ”つぎ”
 tsugu ”つぐ”

[熟字訓; 難読] juku-ji-kun; nan-doku ”ジュク・ジ・クン; ナン・ドク” Special reading
 [二人] futari ”ふたり” two persons; couple
 [二日] futsuka ”ふつか” second day of month; two days
 [二十{歳}] hatachi ”はたち” twenty years old
 [二十重] hata-e ”はた・え” surrounding over and over again
 [二十日] hatsuka ”はつか” twentieth day of month; twenty days
 [二月] kisaragi ”きさらぎ” February =[如月]
 [二進も三進も] nitchi-mo-satchi-mo ”にっち・も・さっち・も” in the pinch; in a fix

[意味] i-mi ”イ・ミ” Meaning
 double; twice
 equal; rank with
 next; second
 two-faced; insincere

[異体字] i-tai-ji ”イ・タイ・ジ” Alternative character form
  (traditional form)
  (used in bond, money claim and so on, because it is easy to add strokes.)
  (traditional form of 弐)
  (not orthodox but more general [simplified] form than 貳)

[猫と庄造と二人のをんな] Neko to Shōzō to Futari no Onna
”ねこ と しょうぞう と ふたり の おんな” A Cat, A Man, and Two Women

written by Jun'ichirō TANIZAKI → Who's 谷崎潤一郎 ?
谷崎潤一郎 著

It became the film, too. → Variety Japan

Would you like to read it in English?


last update 2009/04/14

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