
[Shift-JIS] 8E4F
[UTF-8] E4B889 → Google search → Wiktionary

[画数] kaku-sū ”カク・スウ” Stroke

[部首] bu-shu ”ブ・シュ” Radical
 [一] ichi ”イチ”

[六書] riku-sho ”リク・ショ” Six principles → Chinese character classification
 [指事] shi-ji ”シ・ジ” Simple ideogram

[音読み] on-yo-mi ”オン・よ・み” Chinese-style reading
 san ”サン
 -zan ”ザン”
  ex:[元三] gan-zan ”ガン・ザン” New Year's Day; first three days in January

[訓読み] kun-yo-mi ”クン・よ・み” Japanese reading
 mi ”
 [三つ] mi-tsu ”み・つ
 [三つ] mittsu ”みっつ

[人名読み] jin-mei-yo-mi ”ジン・メイ・よ・み” Reading for person's name
 kazu ”かず”
 mitsu ”みつ
 sa ”
 sabu ”さぶ
 tada ”ただ”
 za ”ざ”

[熟字訓; 難読] juku-ji-kun; nan-doku ”ジュク・ジ・クン; ナン・ドク” Special reading
 [三日] mikka ”みっか” third day of month; three days
 [三行半] mi-kudari-han ”み・くだり・はん”
  three-and-a-half line note of divorce at a wife [spouse]; divorce papers
 [三十一文字] mi-so-hito-mo-ji ”み・そ・ひと・も・じ”
  Tanka; Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables
 [三十日] mi-so-ka ”み・そ・か” last day of month =[晦日]
 [三味線] shamisen ”しゃみせん” shamisen; samisen
 [三鞭酒] shanpan; shanpen ”しゃんぱん; しゃんぺん” champagne

[意味] i-mi ”イ・ミ” Meaning
 three; third
 three times; repeatedly

[異体字] i-tai-ji ”イ・タイ・ジ” Alternative character form
  (used in bond, money claim and so on, because it is easy to add strokes.)
  (traditional form of 参)

Picture book of ”三毛猫,” tortoiseshell cat → What's 三毛猫 ?


last update 2009/04/14

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